Rabu, 27 Oktober 2021

HiπŸ€— Salam KASIH & BELAS to all. My name is Riri. This is my friend Almond. Both of us will be the hosts for an awesome exhibition called Project MonyetπŸ’πŸ¦§πŸŒΏ, at the Muzium & Galeri Tuanku Fauziah, USM. These characters were created by talented artist Putri Badryna Badrul Hisham from Seri Botani International School. Project Monyet will be opened from 25 October until 24 December 2021, Monday till Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm. You will experience, explore, discover and learn about the primates, their habitats, their survivals and challenges that they have to endure. Looking forward to seeing you soon! It will be an amazing experience. Please reserve your visit by clicking on the link πŸ‘‰πŸΌhttps://forms.gle/a8LhsbkDGMLGVmZF9 Take care & stay safe.πŸ€— #MGTFBe #MGTFBelas #BELASalamMGTFUSM #projectmonyet #projectmonyetmgtfusm #malaysiaprimate #langurproject f • Mgtf Usm t • 04-653 3261/4789/4788 f • 04-656 3531 e • mgtfusm@gmail.com i • www.instagram.com/mgtfusm

Jumaat, 22 Oktober 2021

Salam KASIH & BELAS to all. Introducing our awesome exhibition called Project Monyet

πŸ’πŸ¦§πŸŒΏat the Muzium & Galeri Tuanku Fauziah, USM.

Project Monyet@MGTF USM is a hybrid exhibition that showcases Peter Ong's photographic journey to document Malaysia's fascinating primates. For more details, please click on the link https://thecitymaker.com.my/project-monyet-giving.../
Alongside his primate potraits, this exhibition has also invited the public to contribute artworks and photographs about our arboreal cousins, encouraging a free use of media and style to highlight hte diversity and wonders of these animals we call (pri-) MATES.
It will be opened from 25 October until 24 December 2021, Monday till Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm. You will experience, explore, discover and learn about the primates, their habitats, their survivals and challenges that they have to endure.
Looking forward to seeing you soon! It will be an amazing experience.
Please reserve your visit by clicking on the link
Take care & stay safe.πŸ€—
f • Mgtf Usm
t • 04-653 3261/4789/4788
f • 04-656 3531
e • mgtfusm@gmail.com

Khamis, 21 Oktober 2021

Opening SOON 

Project Monyet



f • Mgtf Usm
t • 04-653 3261/4789/4788
f • 04-656 3531
e • mgtfusm@gmail.com
i • www.instagram.com/mgtfusm

Selasa, 5 Oktober 2021

Open Wall @Mgtfusm/ Dinding Terbuka April 2021.

Anda boleh menekan link di bawah untuk MEMBACAπŸ“–
Kepada yang ingin meneroka pameran "Open Wall" secara maya, layari
untuk membaca lebih banyak lagi buku² penerbitan Mgtf Usm.
f • Mgtf Usm
t • 04-653 3261/4789/4788
f • 04-656 3531
e • mgtfusm@gmail.com


Salam & hi to our beloved online-social media audience.

We are establishing a new norm of having an online presence for your convenience. We will start with the OPEN WALL co-creation project. You may scan the QR codes to access the e-book and virtual exhibition.

Thank you for your ethusiastic & loving support. You may share the QR codes with your family members, neigbours, friends, associates etc.

Stay safe & be compassionate, k.

Bye! Peace!
Assoc. Prof. Hasnul J Saidon
Director Muzium & Galeri Tuanku Fauziah, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Sembang Atas Talian (SAT)

kami di "Sembang Atas Talian" (SAT) siri3️⃣ bertajuk

πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ "Era Baru Astronomi di USM" bersama 5 orang ahli panel pada: ▫️Sabtu | 9 Oktober 2021 ▫️Jam πŸ•£8.30malam Tekan link WEBEX di bawah untuk menyertainya πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ https://usm-cmr.webex.com/usm-cmr/j.php?MTID=m8d13a2b8dcc1b0d4ad0ec2f03856833f ▫️Atau boleh tonton secara langsung di facebook Mgtf Usm JEMPUT SEMUA.. #MGTFBe #MGTFBelas #BELASguruMGTFUSM #sembangatastalian #astronomiusm #kelabastronomi f • Mgtf Usm t • 04-653 3261/4789/4788 f • 04-656 3531 e • mgtfusm@gmail.com i • www.instagram.com/mgtfusm

Jumaat, 1 Oktober 2021


TERIMA KASIH kepada semua yang sudi meluangkan masa mengikuti secara langsung SIRI 2️⃣ Sembang Atas Talian (SAT) berTAJUK "Traces, Legacies, and Futures: A Conversation on Electronic Art with Hasnul J Saidon & Niranjan Rajah yang telah berlangsung pada malam semalam.

*Kepada yang ingin menonton kembali tayangan tersebut boleh menekan link dibawah πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=279264884023272&id=100000446406273 TERBAIKπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ€— #MGTFBe #MGTFBelas #BELASguruMGTFUSM #sembangatastalian #mgtfsat #electronicart #electronicarts f • Mgtf Usm t • 04-653 3261/4789/4788 f • 04-656 3531 e • mgtfusm@gmail.com i •www.instagram.com/mgtfusm